So, It has been a while since I have been on here and updated the blog, but we have been busy, and usually I bring my camera everywhere. A few weekends ago we rode the motor cycle down to Salt Lake to surprise my Mom, she has been having a tough time and a lot of stuff is going on, so we decided last second to ride down. She was very shocked to see me walking up to the door, she started crying. (my poor mom) Anyhow, it was a good little weekend trip. We have been trying to keep up with all of our yard work, its hard when you go somewhere every weekend. ( Deon just told me today that he has to go to Boise on Friday for work- it never ends- :) lol. )
This past Labor Day weekend we went over to Roosevelt, UT. We were coming up to help Mom and Mike move into their new place. Well, as we were packing to come up we got a horrible call that Mike was in an accident. Luckily he was okay, pretty banged up, but we are glad that nothing worse happened. Well, when Tasha and Justin found out they decided to head over to Roosevelt as well. they followed us over. The trip and weekend was a really good one. Mom and Mike's new place is really nice,Deon and I like it alot. It is perfect for them. Almost all of the gang was together. ( a few missing) But it had been a lot time. Tasha' s little girl Hanna is getting so big. Oh, we are going to soon have two new nieces. We have already Hanna, and Justin and his girlfriend Mary are having a Girl and Cory and Echo are having a Girl. It is Really Exciting. I cant wait.
I did not take a lot of pictures. We were moving stuff, not so exciting. I did get some of those new puppies of Dezi's- I went over to see them and Baby. Dezi is so blessed to have them they are beautiful!
P.S. If you have never played Mexican Train, You need to get a group together and do it. it is so fun~! :)
FUN! The pictures are cute! That game is fun we play it all the time. Cute puppies... that looks like a lot of work!
Aww cool pics.. wish I would have had my camera too!! I am stealing them k??
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