The Blue Angels were in town this weekend. We had an air show at our tiny Twin Falls airport. It was a lot of fun. This past week has been crazy since we got back from Salt Lake, we have been getting ready for this weekend. Deon has been working a lot, since the U.S. Navy is the ones who were hosting them, he had a lot to do. Then a lot of people from his command were coming into town, and they started showing up on in the middle of the week, so the were doing a lot with them.
On Friday Deon got to go in this plane, (pictured above) he was way excited. Not everyone got to go in the planes. They took this plane up and as soon as they got up the guy turned the plane over to him. Plus, while they were flying he had Deon do some, I guess you call it Dough nuts- lol- he did flips, I think it was pretty cool. He was really excited and I was excited for him.
That night was also went to a dinner thing at the hanger. All the most the command was there and the Blue Angels. It was a nice dinner.- and guess what- Deon had a plane there from his old squadron VAW-117- from Point Mugu, It was nice to see a friendly face. bird 601. We miss the Hawkeye Squadron.
Saturday, the Blue Angels Show, It was a long day, but we had fun. We saw a bunch of different planes fly, some old war planes and some jets. There was guys on motorscycles doing stints, and sky drivers. Plus we sat in the v.i.p. area and got free lunch. The Blue Angels were awsome, if you ever get the chance, go see them. it was a good show, worth the wait.
The was good until I decided to go home, I was tired I had been in the sun all day, so I got in my car at 4:30, pulled out of my spot and moved 2 lanes and sat in that same spot for the next 2 hours. I was so mad! ( thanks for talking to me, Briana. when I was stuck in traffic)-this was my view for 2 hours!
After I finally got home we set up the house & backyard. A bunch of the people from the command came over and had some food and hung out. We had a really good time. All & All a really great weekend, despite a 2 hour delay. Wish you could have all been there.
that show would be so awesome to see! sounds like a lot of fun tara... you guys are always havin' a good time! it's awesome, keep it up!
I'm so glad you finally got out of traffic... nothing sucks more than that! I hope you had a good weekend, even though it was crazy busy! You're pictures are cute!
OK! Time for a new blog! I keep looking and it's not new! I'm addicted to this blog thing! LOL! Hope you're having a good weekend!
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